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DEIB in Today’s Schools: The Importance of Diversity Leadership for Educational Administrators

U.S. students are becoming increasingly diverse in the modern era. Changing demographics means the student population is less homogenous and more multicultural today than ever. While this shift takes many forms, one example of this trend is the rapidly diversifying racial and ethnic makeup of public schools: Since 2012, Hispanic students and Asian-American students have enrolled in public schools in increasing numbers, while the overall percentage of white students has fallen below 50%, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

Proactive school leaders are already implementing new strategies to ensure their organizations are inclusive and ready to support a diversifying student body. It may seem obvious, but a nuanced understanding of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) is essential for education professionals interested in a leadership career.

One option for such professionals is St. Cloud State University’s online Master of Science (M.S.) in Educational Leadership and Administration program, which provides degree candidates with “information on how to understand, navigate and respond to the influence of diversity, equity and inclusion on individuals and systems.”

What Is Diversity Leadership?

Diversity leadership is an important method of implementing DEIB within a school system. Research has shown that students flourish when given the opportunity to learn in a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment, and classroom leaders play an essential role in creating cultures of belonging. According to New America, a nonpartisan think tank, “existing research has consistently shown that it is beneficial for students to learn from educators with diverse backgrounds and lived experiences.”

What Is the Role of DEIB in School Communities and Student Learning Environments?

There is no shortage of benefits when it comes to DEIB in schools. According to Jeremy Bennett, a professor and advocate for DEI in the classroom, diversity in schools positively impacts learning outcomes: “Studies have shown that diverse classrooms have higher academic achievement levels than classrooms that lack diversity. This is because exposure to different perspectives and experiences can lead to a deeper understanding of complex issues, increased motivation to learn, and higher levels of engagement in the learning process.”

Effective leadership in a diverse space can also help students become more open-minded and accepting of people with different cultural experiences and backgrounds. In an article for the American Psychological Association, Professors Mary E. Kite and Patricia Clark argue that teachers and classroom instructors “need to consider their own level of multicultural competence and take steps to ensure that they are prepared to teach about complex emotional topics.”

Educational leaders with an understanding of DEIB principles can create safe, inclusive classroom environments where difficult conversations about diversity and its impact on society can occur. “Addressing these topics results in greater openness and understanding and increases students’ multicultural competence,” according to Kite and Clark.

Learn About Diversity Leadership in an Online M.S. in Educational Administration

Honing diversity leadership skills is not just essential for modern educational professionals but also for the students in their care. St. Cloud State University’s M.S. program places a particular focus on this kind of leadership, and students enrolled in its Diversity Leadership course gain a basic understanding of how to recognize and respond to the impact of race, culture and diversity in their workplace.

For teachers and other leaders who want to help their students excel academically and grow into open-minded, tolerant citizens, pursuing this degree might be the next best step.

Learn more about St. Cloud State University’s online M.S. in Educational Leadership and Administration.

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