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Basic Principles of International Finance

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the gold standard for professionals aspiring to elevate their careers to management and executive-level roles. While foundational business skills form the backbone of any MBA program, the ability to navigate the complexities of international finance is increasingly crucial in our interconnected global marketplace.

St. Cloud State University’s online MBA with a concentration in Finance program gives graduates foundational business and finance knowledge with a strategic emphasis on international financial acumen. The International Finance course explores the subject with a specific focus on international financial management for the firm, currency and derivative markets, currency risk management, global investment and financing and the intricate art of managing risk exposure for multinational firms. The Financial Markets and Institutions course immerses students in the world of debt, equity and derivative instruments and the markets where these securities are traded.

Together, these courses form a robust foundation, positioning graduates to excel in international finance. This article explores the subject’s importance and key concepts covered in St. Cloud State University’s online MBA in Finance program.

What Is International Finance?

International finance is the specialized study of monetary interactions between countries, focusing on areas such as foreign direct investment and currency exchange rates. Key areas of study in international finance include the following:

  • The Mundell-Fleming Model explores the interaction between the goods and money markets.
  • The International Fisher Effect connects nominal interest rates to spot exchange rate fluctuations.
  • The optimum currency area theory suggests efficiency through a single currency in certain regions.
  • Purchasing power parity measures absolute purchasing power between currencies.
  • Interest rate parity reflects investor indifference to interest rates in different countries.

These theoretical frameworks form the basis for comprehending the intricacies of economic interactions on a global scale.

Why We Study International Finance

Participation in international finance opens doors to new markets, offering opportunities for expansion and growth. Diversification is another key advantage, enabling companies and countries to broaden their portfolios of assets, reducing risk exposure and enhancing resilience.

Engaging in international finance enhances competitiveness by fostering adaptability and strategic positioning in the global marketplace. Efficiency gains are realized through the pooling of resources and the sharing of risk, optimizing operational performance.

The online MBA program at St.Cloud State offers courses in International Finance and Finance Markets and Institutions, which work together to establish a foundation for success anywhere in the world.

Understanding Finance Markets and Institutions

Global Leadership Perspective

An invaluable skill gained in MBA programs is empathy, the ability to understand others’ experiences and emotions. Along with emotional intelligence and a global perspective fostered by collaborative learning with a diverse pool of international MBA students, a global leadership perspective becomes a catalyst for effective leadership.

Exposure to international classmates and global case studies contributes to developing empathy and interpersonal skills crucial for managing teams in a cross-cultural and international business environment. These leadership skills promote innovation, engagement and a work environment where employees feel respected and valued.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

This international organization facilitates global trade and fosters cooperation among its member nations. The WTO is a forum for negotiating trade agreements, settling disputes and ensuring the smooth flow of international commerce.

With a membership of over 160 countries, the WTO’s primary objective is to create a predictable and stable trading environment by reducing trade barriers and promoting the principles of free trade. The WTO addresses diverse trade issues, including tariffs, subsidies and intellectual property rights, to foster economic development and raise living standards worldwide.

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

This prominent international organization fosters sustainable growth and prosperity for its 190 member countries. The IMF aims to boost productivity, facilitate job creation and enhance overall economic well-being by supporting economic policies prioritizing financial stability and monetary cooperation.

The IMF operates with a three-fold mission: advancing international monetary cooperation, promoting the expansion of trade and economic growth and discouraging policies that could hinder prosperity. Member countries and other international bodies collaborate to achieve these objectives, emphasizing the importance of a coordinated approach to address global economic challenges and promote shared prosperity.


Despite experiencing recent turmoil due to significant value declines and high-profile failures like FTX and Terra, cryptocurrency remains a pivotal area of focus for policymakers and industry professionals. The delicate balance between embracing its innovative potential and mitigating risks to investors, financial stability and regulatory control poses a serious challenge.

The European Union has developed MICA, a regulation addressing crypto assets and their risks, signaling a commitment to stay ahead in the international regulatory landscape. Meanwhile, the European Central Bank is working on rulebook development for digital currencies. The challenge lies in striking a balance between fostering a competitive environment for blockchain adoption and central bank digital currencies while avoiding rushed regulatory approaches that may lead to unintended consequences.

International Financial Crime

Regulators increasingly focus on reducing financial crime and fortifying investor protection. In the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is expected to enhance consumer protection measures, targeting scams by imposing stricter requirements on banks and social media providers. The EU is developing a comprehensive package of actions to address anti-money laundering, aiming for a more harmonized approach and the establishment of a new EU-wide regulator for enhanced supervision.

While these efforts are crucial for investor safety, they have the potential for increased compliance and due diligence costs for entities under regulatory scrutiny. As regulators intensify their focus on reducing financial crimes, the financial landscape is poised for significant regulatory shifts to ensure a safer and more secure environment for investors.

Study International Finance at St. Cloud State University

These principles and concepts resonate with the core values of St. Cloud State University’s online MBA in Finance program, which cultivates a comprehensive understanding of international finance, economic cooperation and strategic decision-making.

The IMF, WTO and the world’s leading universities serve as real-world exemplars, demonstrating the importance of navigating complex global challenges through collaboration, knowledge and a commitment to fostering a prosperous future for individuals in finance and citizens worldwide.

Learn more about St. Cloud State University’s online MBA with a concentration in Finance program.

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