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MBA Coaching Connections

Our career-relevant coaching program offers continuous support throughout your MBA experience while helping you develop a network of like-minded professionals.

Build a Community with Coaching Connections

Coaching Connections, the St. Cloud State MBA Career Coaching program, is a vital part of the MBA program: it helps you maintain focus as you advance in the business world—and beyond. To do that, we work closely with faculty and other stakeholders to offer personal and professional development coaching services. In the Coaching Connections program, you will gain access to useful resources and create meaningful relationships with industry experts. Through active engagement and ongoing encouragement, this coaching initiative provides you and fellow St. Cloud State MBA students with a sense of belonging.

Student Experience

Program alumni are pleased with benefits from the sessions such as enhanced resumes, broader professional networks and lucrative career guidance. Student success stories often include receipt of accolades and promotions at current roles, expansion into exciting new roles and valuable mentorship from industry experts.

Plan and Align Your Career

Through this coaching engagement, you will identify your career goals and discover how they align with your academic and professional experiences. Over several sessions, you will refine your professional brand identity and explore relevant career paths. As a result of these coaching interactions, St. Cloud State MBA students have successfully switched industries and received new job offers and promotions.

Develop Your Leadership Skills

St. Cloud State’s Coaching Connections program is ideal if you want to prepare for upper-level leadership roles. The coach will partner with you to determine your leadership goals and create an action plan to accomplish those goals. These coaching engagements have allowed MBA students to better themselves and their teams through advanced expertise in communication, empowerment, delegation, influencing, approachability, strategic planning and other leadership skills. Take advantage of an experience similar to Executive Coaching without paying additional fees.

Maintain Work-Life Balance

Balancing obligations to your family, friends, career and St. Cloud State MBA coursework can be challenging. That’s why our Coaching Connections program teaches you to rebalance your schedule through small, manageable self-care steps that help you thrive personally. These coaching engagements have aided previous MBA students in avoiding burnout and finding equilibrium in their daily lives.

Take the Gallup Strengths Finder

Uncover your potential when you take the Gallup Strengths Finder assessment at no cost to you. The results of this renowned test will help you identify and use your strengths when making daily decisions about your professional and personal goals. Equipped with your unique assessment results, the Coaching Connections coach will help you better understand yourself, gain clarity with your journey and establish your next steps.

Benefit From a New Manager/Leader Advisory

If you’re entering a new managerial or leadership role, you may feel overwhelmed by increased responsibilities. With Coaching Connections, the coach will help you define your leadership style and explore possible solutions to a variety of managing situations. Our MBA students feel more confident in their new leadership roles after participating in these coaching engagements.

Learn About the Coach

The St. Cloud State Coaching Connections coach, Lisa Fournier, has years of experience in leadership, project management and entrepreneurial endeavors. Throughout this innovative program, Lisa partners with students to guide their professional growth and ensure unique acquired skills align with each individual’s desired career outcomes. Lisa is highly qualified for this position, having earned her doctorate in strategic leadership and a master’s degree in project management. She is also a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and Integrative Health Coach.

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